Are you an affiliate marketer struggling to create content that converts? Do you want to learn a proven formula that will show you exactly how to write content for affiliate marketing?
The best formula for writing high-converting affiliate marketing content is to make sure you hit the search intent in every way possible, put yourself in your reader’s shoes, and run tests to see what works.
Luckily for you, Jamie has already tested everything to death. And he shared it with Andrew and Emil on this week’s episode of Seeking Profit.
In this post, I’m going to share Jamie’s formula for affiliate content that ranks in Google and converts like crazy.
If you’re ready to learn how to write better buying guides, comparison posts, and product reviews, then keep reading.
Why You Should Use Our Affiliate Marketing Content Formula
Before I dive into the details of our content strategy, it’s important to understand why this approach is so effective.Â
The strategy we’ll be sharing was developed by Jamie I.F., a successful affiliate marketer who recently shared this process on our podcast Seeking Profit. (He’s also a member of our team!)
Jamie has tested this content approach with the millions of readers who have visited his sites, tweaking things to improve his results.
Jamie used this process to build a niche site portfolio that earns over $450,000/year, and I’m confident that it can work for you too.
The best part? It’s not that complicated.
How to Structure Affiliate Content
When it comes to creating affiliate marketing content, structuring your posts can be just as important as the content itself.Â
Depending on the type of post you are creating, the structure may differ significantly. In this section, we will cover the recommended structures for three common types of affiliate marketing content: single-product reviews, vs posts, and roundup lists.
Single-Product Reviews
Affiliate marketers tend to overlook individual product reviews because they have a lower potential for organic traffic.
Do you know what single-product reviews do have? Buying intent.
In these reviews, you focus on a single product and provide your readers with an in-depth analysis of its features, benefits, and drawbacks.Â
To structure an individual product review, you should first make a list of all the key features or specs of the product. Jamie describes these as dynamic specs.
TIP: Dynamic specs are the aspects of a product that ultimately determine readers buying decisions. They are also what you use to determine which user segments you’re targeting.
So, if you are writing a review of a specific vacuum cleaner, you can’t just write that it works well and you liked the results, and your readers will love it. You have to show them.
You should break your article up into sections with headings for each of the dynamic specs.Â
For a vacuum review, you might write sections about the machine’s power, storage capacity, compatible surfaces, etc.
This approach will help your readers to understand the product’s strengths and weaknesses and make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase it.
TIP: Make sure to end your individual product reviews with a solid call to action (CTA) for the product, or a list of suitable alternatives.
The best way to end your product reviews is with a great product display or grid, and Lasso is the best way to do it.
Lasso makes creating stunning Displays, Grids, and Tables easy while efficiently managing your links. Our displays have also been tested against millions of impressions, which is why Jamie uses Lasso on all his sites.
Lasso is the best WordPress plugin for affiliate marketing. If you want to earn more affiliate income and grow your niche site, you need Lasso!
Vs. Posts (Comparison Posts)
Vs. posts are another popular type of affiliate marketing content, due to their high commercial value. They are also a great way to snag some keywords your competitors may not be targeting.Â
In these posts, you compare two or three products in the same category and help your readers to decide which one is the best fit for their needs.Â
To do this effectively, you should focus on comparing the products between the dynamic spec areas.Â
Note: Vs. posts are almost identical in structure to individual posts, but you want to determine a winner for each of the dynamic specs.
By doing so, you can highlight the similarities and differences between the products and give your readers a clear idea of which one is the best option for them.
When structuring your vs. post, you should begin by introducing the products you will be comparing. You can then break the post down into sections that correspond to each dynamic spec area.Â
In each section, you should provide a detailed analysis of how each product performs in that particular area, highlighting the similarities and differences between them.Â
Conclude the post by summarizing your findings and giving your readers a clear recommendation of which product they should choose.
Again, I recommend using Lasso for a display at the end of your vs. post, but if nothing else, use a strong CTA and your affiliate link.Â
“Best of” Lists (Roundup Posts)
“Best of” lists and roundup posts are the most valuable type of affiliate marketing content, and therefore the most competitive. However, using Jamie’s formula, you can write content that Google and your readers will love.
In these articles, you provide a rundown of products in a particular category. Within that list, you should have a different recommendation for each type of user your post targets, which will be dictated by your dynamic specs.
For example, if you wrote a list of the best vacuums for kitchens, you’ll probably have some sort of metric for vacuuming power.
What kind of person is searching for the most powerful vacuum for a kitchen? Maybe someone who works in a restaurant or something similar.
That means one of your picks should be noted as the best vacuum for commercial kitchens.
After you’ve presented all your picks, you should include a buying guide, which will explain all the dynamic specs and how they influence a buyer’s decision.Â
Note: You’ll see these guides on a lot of websites labeled as “Our Testing Process,” or “How to Choose a Vacuum,” or something similar.
Within and after your buying guide, you should target people who may have reached this post by mistake and would be better served with a different list.Â
Maybe someone searched for the best vacuums for kitchens, but they actually need a vacuum for wood floors, or something similar.Â
By giving them a link with optimized anchor text, you’ll provide a better user experience and improve your site’s SEO.
Affiliate Marketing Content Writing Tips
Now that you understand the formula for writing successful affiliate marketing content, let’s dive into some specific tips to help you take your content to the next level.
Offer Alternative Products Within Dynamic Spec Sections
Most marketers put alternatives at the end of their articles, and only when they don’t like the product. But that’s not helpful to the user.
Instead, if a product doesn’t perform well in one of the dynamic spec areas, provide the alternative right away.Â
If you’re reviewing a vacuum and it doesn’t have much storage capacity, then mention a vacuum with a huge canister.Â
That way, if that’s all that matters to a reader, they’ll get something that works for them, and you’ll save the commission.
Cast Your Movie
When writing a “best-of” list, many marketers have a standard set of segments they use. Best budget pick, best for beginners, best luxury pick, etc.
This is the wrong approach.Â
Jamie’s advice is to “cast your movie” for which users you’re targeting.
Nobody is identifying as a vacuum beginner or looking for a “luxury” vacuum. But a lot of people are looking for the best cheap vacuum.
Put yourself in the position of someone who searched for the primary buying keyword you’re writing about, think of all the possible segments, and cater your article to suit their needs.
Only Use Alternatives When It Makes Sense
A lot of marketers will include alternatives for every individual product review as insurance in case someone doesn’t like the product they recommended.
This makes no sense.
If I just read your 2,000-word review telling me how great a product is, then you give me an alternative at the end, why would I trust all the great things you just said?
Alternative products should only be presented where the product you’re reviewing has a shortcoming.
The only time you should provide alternatives to a product you’ve given a positive review is if it’s been discontinued or doesn’t fit a segment of your audience.
Affiliate Marketing Content FAQs
To help you fully understand affiliate marketing content, I’ve compiled a list of questions we’ve gotten from Lasso customers.
Is There a Limit to How Many Affiliate Links I Should Use
There isn’t a link to how many affiliate links you should use; Google doesn’t care about that. What matters is whether or not the links provide value to your readers.Â
If you can’t imagine a situation where readers would click on your link, then leave it out.
How Do I Write Better Buying Guides?
Jamie created a SPEAR framework that helps create better affiliate content. SPEAR stands for:
- Search Intent
- Pain Points
- Expertise
- Audience
- Rapport
Click here to learn more about the SPEAR framework.
How Can I Increase My Affiliate Sales?
The easiest way to increase your affiliate sales is to optimize your conversion rates, and test everything.Â
The easiest way to increase your affiliate conversion rate is to use Lasso.Â
If you are looking for a way to see where your affiliate revenue comes from so you can run tests, we just launched a new analytics platform for affiliate marketers. It’s called Performance, and you can learn more about it here.
How to Write Affiliate Marketing Content | Final Thoughts
Now that you have a solid understanding of the formula for writing successful affiliate marketing content, it’s time to put it into action.Â
Remember to focus on providing value to your audience and building trust through honesty and transparency.
By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create content that not only helps your audience make informed purchasing decisions but also earns you a healthy commission.
Don’t forget to track your affiliate revenue with Performance to see which content is performing the best.Â
And for more affiliate marketing advice, be sure to check out Seeking Profit every week. You can find new episodes on YouTube and Apple Podcasts.
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